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Showing posts from November, 2016


High profile hacks have happened before, we've all read about Talk Talk, Ashley Madison and Sony. We all know the words on every business leaders lips are currently Cyber, Data protection and Ranson-ware. So why is the Tesco hack any different? Why should we take notice of this attack more than any of the above incidents? Quite simply becuase this is the  first time that a UK bank has reacted so publicly by stopping some types of transactions on a web banking system because of "online criminal activity". Banks are targeted all the time but typically those attacks just hit a few individuals, so do not bring about a site closure. In this case, as far as we can tell, a lot of people lost cash very quickly. You've probably read about the Natwest bank errors that lead to the public being unable to withdraw cash or pay direct debits, this is well known to insiders as an organised international hack attempt on the Natwest servers, easier to simply turn off the ...